I’m a MSc. and BSc. in Computer Science at the University of São Paulo – Brazil. I’ll keep this page updated with the info related to my research. Most of the material will be in portuguese.

MSc. Info


BSc. Info

  • Linux Network Administrator: I’m a former administrator of the GNU/Linux Network at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics – USP. This network is administered by undergraduate students and I was one if them from 2001 to 2003 (in Portuguese)
  • Undergraduate project: Here’s a link to my final undergraduate project (in Portuguese)
  • Linux Training: I was the instructor of an introductory Linux Training to the freshman students of 2002 (in Portuguese)


  • AgilCoop: Helping to spread the agile values and principles in Brazil (in Portuguese)
  • Agile Manifesto
  • c2.com: Ward Cunningham’s WikiWiki where the first discussions about XP where held between Kent Beck and the other XP founders
  • extremeprogramming.org: A gentle introduction to XP
  • xp123.com: Exploring XP

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