I’m a MSc. and BSc. in Computer Science at the University of São Paulo – Brazil. I’ll keep this page updated with the info related to my research. Most of the material will be in portuguese.
MSc. Info
- Advisor: Professor Alfredo Goldman
- Research Topics: Agile Methods and eXtreme Programming
- Master’s Thesis: Uso Eficaz de Métricas em Métodos Ãgeis de Desenvolvimento de Software
- Slides (in Portuguese)
- Revised text in PDF (in Portuguese)
- Ruby Scripts
- Extending Extreme Programming with Practices from Other Methodologies. Danilo Sato, Dairton Bassi, Alfredo Goldman. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Rapid Application Development (WDRA’2007) in the Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality. Jun 2007
- Tracking the Evolution of Object-Oriented Quality Metrics on Agile Projects. Danilo Sato, Alfredo Goldman, Fabio Kon. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering (XP’2007). pp. 84-92. Jun 2007
- Experiences Tracking Agile Projects: An Empirical Study. Danilo Sato, Dairton Bassi, Mariana Bravo, Alfredo Goldman, Fabio Kon. Journal of Brazilian Computer Science (JBCS), Special Edition on Empirical Software Engineering. 12(3), pp. 45-64. Dec 2006
- Coding Dojo: an environment for learning and sharing Agile practices. Danilo Sato, Hugo Corbucci, Mariana Bravo. To be published in Proceedings of the Agile Conference 2008. Aug 2008
BSc. Info
- Linux Network Administrator: I’m a former administrator of the GNU/Linux Network at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics – USP. This network is administered by undergraduate students and I was one if them from 2001 to 2003 (in Portuguese)
- Undergraduate project: Here’s a link to my final undergraduate project (in Portuguese)
- Linux Training: I was the instructor of an introductory Linux Training to the freshman students of 2002 (in Portuguese)
- AgilCoop: Helping to spread the agile values and principles in Brazil (in Portuguese)
- Agile Manifesto
- c2.com: Ward Cunningham’s WikiWiki where the first discussions about XP where held between Kent Beck and the other XP founders
- extremeprogramming.org: A gentle introduction to XP
- xp123.com: Exploring XP